

RCFM, the remote-controlled filemanager allows you to navigate through your files with a nice themeable GUI, while using your remote control / wireless keyboard or mouse or your joystick and launch a customized action (e.g. play them with mplayer) on them by pressing a button.


RCFM has support for input plugins, some are already available:
These input plugins can be used simultaneously and you can write your own if you think some input device is missing (you just need to know how to program in C++, the interface is *very* simple).

RCFM has theme support which are also very easy to create, they are just .zip files which contain the graphics / font files and a 'theme.cfg' which describes the theme. You don't have to extract the zip-files yourself, rcfm does this for you. (Example: the aqua theme)
The standard themes were all done by me, so rcfm could look much better if someone else did that job ;) (Just look at the sample theme.cfg, it only costs a few minutes). RCFM can be easily configured, because the configuration file uses the same syntax as the theme.cfg does. (Example: The standard rcfm configuration file)
The most important line is this one:
file-types = [ "mplayer" -> { "mpg", "mpeg", "wmv", "asf", "mov", "avi", "rm", "ogm" },
               "play" -> { "mp3", "ogg" } ]
Here you see "mplayer" is linked to a lot of video file types. RCFM only shows files which are referenced by a program in the configuration file. If you press your "exec"-key while a ".avi"-file is chosen, mplayer will start playing this file.
You can also specify a few "directory aliases" which make navigating easier:
favorites =    [  "Root" -> "/",
                  "My videos" -> "/home/someguy/video",
                  "Play VCD" -> "!mplayer vcd://1" ]
These aliases are shown in the left half of the screen (see screenshots). It is allowed to add special options (indicated by a '!' in front), if you want to launch a program instead of opening a directory.




If you have bug reports, complaints, contributions, wishes or proposals, send me an email to ghost13 AT ghost13 DOT de


Dependencies: Newest version: 0.6

Download compiled version (linux/i386, glibc 2.3.2, libsdl 1.2.7, libzipios
Download source (currently only tested on linux/i386)
The aqua theme file

There's a win32 sourcetree but it doesn't work yet because I didn't install all the libraries on windows (yet). If you are really interested in a win32 version and want to beta test it, send me an email to ghost13 AT ghost13 DOT de